Financiación federal disponible para más restauración en el mar. El proyecto existente se amplía
El Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea está utilizando una inversión federal inicial para añadir aproximadamente 750 acres a la huella del Proyecto de Hábitat de Conservación de Especies (SCH) entre el Río Nuevo y el final de la calzada. La construcción de una nueva berma creará un nuevo estanque, denominado Ampliación del Estanque Este 1. Una vez terminada la berma, la zona total del estanque este del proyecto SCH original y la ampliación del estanque este 1 podrán llenarse de agua y ponerse en servicio, cubriendo casi 2.000 acres de lecho lacustre expuesto. Las obras iniciales de ampliación del Estanque Este 1 ya están en marcha y continuarán hasta 2025.
La ejecución del proyecto SCH, a través de un contrato de diseño y construcción, se inició en 2021. El Proyecto SCH tiene como objetivo restaurar los hábitats de aguas profundas y poco profundas perdidos como resultado del aumento de la salinidad y la recesión del Salton Sea. El Estado de California asignó aproximadamente 206 millones de dólares en financiación para implementar 4.100 acres y esa área está casi completa.
En diciembre de 2023, el Departamento de Reclamación de EE.UU. concedió al Estado $70 millones para iniciar la ampliación del Proyecto SCH para acelerar la supresión de polvo y proyectos de hábitat acuático en el Salton Sea. La financiación es una parte de los $250 millones en compromisos de financiación federal en el Compromiso de 2022 para apoyar la gestión del Salton Sea relacionada con la conservación del agua en el Acuerdo de la Cuenca Baja del Río Colorado.
Mirando hacia el sur, la estación de bombeo salina se encuentra al final de la calzada de 1.25 millas. El Estanque Este 1 se construirá al oeste de la calzada y al este del Río Nuevo. El Estanque Este 1 es el principal objetivo de la ampliación del SCH en 2024.
Apenas el mes pasado y como resultado de años de trabajo de muchos, se anunciaron acciones para conservar casi 230 mil millones de galones de agua para 2026, facilitar el acceso a la tierra para la implementación de proyectos y proporcionar $175 millones adicionales en fondos federales para acelerar los esfuerzos de restauración del Estado. Esta financiación cumple el compromiso del Departamento de Reclamación de apoyar los proyectos ampliados y acelerados del Estado en el Salton Sea que abordan la calidad del aire para proteger la salud pública y restaurar el hábitat en asociación con la conservación del río Colorado. El equipo del SSMP tiene previsto destinar esta financiación federal adicional a la ampliación del proyecto SCH.
El siguiente vídeo ofrece información adicional sobre el proyecto SCH.
Únase a nosotros en el seguimiento de los progresos en el Salton Sea
El Rastreador de Proyectos del SSMP ha sido actualizado con la superficie en acres del proyecto lograda hasta la fecha, imágenes adicionales y otra información importante del proyecto. Estrenado en marzo de 2024, el Rastreador de Proyectos SSMP proporciona una plataforma pública integral con información actualizada sobre los proyectos del Programa de Gestión de Salton Sea. Las actualizaciones del Rastreador de Proyectos seguirán produciéndose dos veces al año y la próxima actualización está prevista para finales de año.
El rastreador está integrado en el sitio web del SSMP y los proyectos se pueden ver y clasificar por fases de proyecto, tipo de actividad y categoría. Haga clic aquí para visitar el Rastreador de Proyectos y ver las actualizaciones recientes y navegar por la herramienta y sus diferentes secciones.
Preguntamos, escuchamos, aprendimos, Los informes sobre las necesidades de la comunidad se hancompletado
La Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California reconoció la necesidad de comprender mejor las necesidades de la comunidad e identificar mejores vías para lograr co-beneficios mientras se alcanzan los objetivos y compromisos del SSMP para implementar casi 30,000 acres de proyectos de supresión de polvo y restauración de hábitats. Esto condujo al desarrollo del SSMP y el Informe de Necesidades de la Comunidad que identifica las necesidades de la comunidad relacionadas con el Salton Sea, describe el estado de los esfuerzos del SSMP y enumera las posibles oportunidades futuras con financiación y capacidad adicionales, para abordar las necesidades de la comunidad mientras se implementan los proyectos de restauración.
Además del Informe SSMP, la Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California encomendó el Informe de Necesidades de la Comunidad del Salton Sea y Acciones Recomendadas a Better World Group Advisors. Este informe identifica las necesidades de la comunidad más allá del alcance del SSMP y recomienda acciones que pueden emprender las agencias gubernamentales federales, estatales y locales, organizaciones empresariales, filantrópicas, grupos comunitarios y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
Estos informes fueron elaborados por la comunidad, con la comunidad. Organizamos reuniones de grupos de trabajo, llevamos a cabo encuestas a la comunidad y organizamos eventos informativos con el apoyo de organismos asociados como la Salton Sea Authority y la Konkuey Design Initiative. Además de recibir comentarios por correo postal y electrónico, durante el periodo de 60 días de comentarios públicos, el equipo del SSMP organizó dos reuniones comunitarias presenciales en Mecca y Salton City. También se ofreció un seminario virtual en Zoom como tercera oportunidad para recabar comentarios de la comunidad que ayudaran a dar forma a los informes finales. El equipo del SSMP y el Better World Group revisaron y analizaron todos los comentarios públicos, y los informes se actualizaron para reflejar los comentarios y las recomendaciones recibidas, en su caso.
La Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California agradece a los miembros de la comunidad, a las tribus nativas americanas de California y a los socios regionales que participaron en este esfuerzo para identificar las necesidades de la comunidad y detallar qué esfuerzos y proyectos considerar como parte del SSMP. Los Informes Finales, incluyendo las versiones en español, se encuentran en el sitio web del SSMP en la Sección de Documentos Destacados.
Oportunidades de participación en el SSMP
Únase a nosotros en la próxima reunión del Comité de Participación de la Comunidad
El Comité de Participación de la Comunidad SSMP se reunirá a las 10 a.m. el 26 de septiembre para una reunión virtual en Zoom. Habrá interpretación al español.
“Reserve la fecha” Próxima reunión comunitaria en Bombay Beach, 10 de octubre
Audubon California y el equipo SSMP organizará una reunión comunitaria el 10 de octubre para proporcionar la información más reciente sobre el Proyecto de Restauración de Humedales Audubon cerca de la comunidad de Bombay Beach. Próximamente se proporcionarán más detalles sobre la reunión. Visite para obtener más información.
Noticias de nuestros socios
Audubon está contratando a un Director del Programa Salton Sea
Audubon California está buscando un líder dinámico para ocupar el puesto de Director del Programa del Salton Sea y el Desierto. El cargo implica dirigir proyectos de defensa, restauración y participación que promuevan el Plan de Gestión del Salton Sea de California, protejan los hábitats del desierto, apoyen proyectos responsables de energías renovables y fomenten el ocio basado en la naturaleza. Es una oportunidad ideal para alguien con experiencia en el establecimiento de relaciones entre comunidades desérticas y con pasión por la resolución de problemas en colaboración.
Federal Funding Available for More Restoration at the Sea. Existing Project is Expanding
The Salton Sea Management Program is utilizing an initial federal investment to add approximately 750 acres to the Species Conservation Habitat (SCH) Project footprint between the New River and end of the causeway. Construction of a new berm will create a new pond, referred as East Pond 1 Expansion. Once the berm is completed, the overall East Pond area of the original SCH project and East Pond 1 Expansion can be filled with water and commissioned, covering nearly 2,000 acres of exposed lakebed. Initial work for the East Pond 1 Expansion is already underway, and construction will continue into 2025.
Implementation of the SCH Project, via a design-build contract, was initiated in 2021. The SCH Project aims to restore deep and shallow water habitats lost as a result of the Salton Sea’s increasing salinity and recession. The State of California allocated approximately $206 million in funding to implement 4,100 acres and that area it is nearly complete.
In December 2023, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation granted the State $70 million to begin the expansion of the SCH Project to accelerate dust suppression and aquatic habitat projects at the Sea. The funding is a portion of the $250 million in federal funding commitments in the 2022 Commitment to Support Salton Sea Management Related to Water Conservation in the Lower Colorado River Basin Agreement.
Looking south, the Saline Pump Station is located at the end of the 1.25-mile Causeway. East Pond 1 will be constructed west of the Causeway and east of the New River. East Pond 1 is the focus of the SCH Expansion during 2024.
Just last month and resulting from years of work by many, actions were announced to conserve nearly 230 billion gallons of water by 2026, facilitate land access for project implementation, and provide an additional $175 million in federal funding to accelerate the State’s restoration efforts. This funding fulfills the Bureau of Reclamation’s commitment to support the State’s expanded and accelerated projects at the Salton Sea that address air quality to protect public health and restore habitat in association with the Colorado River conservation. The SSMP Team is planning to direct this additional federal funding to further expansion of the SCH Project.
The following video provides additional information about the SCH project.
Join Us in Tracking Progress at the Salton Sea
The SSMP Project Tracker has been updated with project acreage achieved to date, additional pictures, and other important project information. Debuted in March 2024, the SSMP Project Tracker provides a comprehensive public platform with updated information on Salton Sea Management Program projects. Updates to the Project Tracker will continue to occur twice per year with the next update planned for the end of the year.
The tracker is integrated into the SSMP website and projects are viewable and sortable by project phases, activity type, and category. Click here to visit the Project Tracker to see recent updates and navigate across the tool and its different sections.
We Asked, We Listened, We Learned, Community Needs Reports Are Now Finalized
The California Natural Resources Agency recognized the need to better understand community needs and identify better pathways to achieve co-benefits while achieving the SSMP’s goals and commitments to implement nearly 30,000 acres of dust suppression and habitat restoration projects. This led to the development of the SSMP and Community Needs Report which identifies community needs related to the Salton Sea, describes the status of the SSMP efforts, and lists potential future opportunities with added funding and capacity, to address community needs while implementing restoration projects.
In addition to the SSMP Report, the California Natural Resources Agency commissioned the Salton Sea Community Needs and Recommended Actions Report to Better World Group Advisors. This report identifies community needs beyond the scope of the SSMP and recommends actions that can be taken by federal, state, and local government agencies, business organizations, philanthropy, community-based groups, and nonprofit organizations.
These reports were informed by the community, with the community. We held working group meetings, conducted community surveys and informational pop-up events with support from partnering agencies like the Salton Sea Authority and Konkuey Design Initiative. Additional to receiving comments via regular mail and email, during the 60-day public comment period, the SSMP team hosted two in-person community meetings in Mecca and Salton City. A virtual webinar on Zoom was also offered as a third opportunity to gather community feedback to help shape the final reports. The SSMP Team and Better World Group reviewed and analyzed all public comments, and the Reports were updated to reflect the feedback and recommendations received, where appropriate.
The California Natural Resources Agency is grateful to the community members, California Native American tribes, and regional partners who participated in this effort to identify community needs and detail what efforts and projects to consider as part of the SSMP. Final Reports, including the Spanish versions, are found in the SSMP website under the Featured Documents Section.
SSMP Engagement Opportunities
Join Us in the Next Community Engagement Committee Meeting
The SSMP Community Engagement Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on Sept 26 for a virtual meeting on Zoom. Spanish interpretation will be available.
“Save the Date” Upcoming Community Meeting at Bombay Beach, October 10
Audubon California and the SSMP team will be hosting a community meeting on October 10 to provide the latest information on the Audubon Wetlands Restoration Project near the community of Bombay Beach. Additional meeting details will be provided soon. Visit for more information.
News From Our Partners
Audubon is Hiring a Salton Sea Program Director
Audubon California is seeking a dynamic leader to step into the role of Salton Sea and Desert Program Director. The role involves leading advocacy, restoration, and engagement projects that advance the CA Salton Sea Management Plan, protect desert habitats, support responsible renewable energy projects, and promote nature-based recreation. It’s an ideal opportunity for someone with experience building relationships across desert communities and a passion for collaborative problem-solving.
The Imperial County Air Pollution Control District is accepting applications from residents at the Salton Sea to receive an In-Home Air Purifier. Visit the District website to submit an application on or before September 27. The application is also available in Spanish.
SSMP Welcomes a New Team Member
To continue delivering critical projects around the Salton Sea, the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) has filled a key position at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Salton Sea Program.
Kevin Hupf is CDFW’s new Senior Environmental Specialist with the Integrated Science Team as the monitoring lead.
Kevin was previously with CDFW’s Cannabis Program working on California Environmental Quality Act, California Endangered Species Act, Lake and Streambed Alteration, Enforcement, and Compliance. Kevin started with CDFW in the Lake and Streambed Alteration Program in 2012. Prior to joining CDFW, Kevin worked as a biological monitor during concrete lining of the Coachella Canal. Kevin earned a BS in zoology from the University of Washington. He is excited to be part of this great group and to learn more about the wonders of the Salton Sea and the Inland Deserts Region.
The State Water Resources Control Board held its Annual Salton Sea Workshop on May 22 at the CalEPA Building in Sacramento. Remote viewing locations in Calipatria and Bombay Beach and a virtual viewing option were provided.
The recordings of both days of the workshop as well as the presentation slides are now available on the Water Boards Salton Sea Website in English and Spanish:
SSMP Community Meetings are set for May 8, 9, and 10
The SSMP team is hosting two in-person meetings and a virtual Zoom meeting on its 2024 Annual Report. Join us at one of the upcoming community meetings to learn more about what’s happening at the Salton Sea and how you can get involved.
Get an overview of the recently released 2024 SSMP Annual Report and learn more about restoration projects underway at the Sea. Learn about the SSMP Project Tracker and connect with the SSMP team to ask your questions and provide feedback.
Spanish interpretation will be provided. Habrá interpretación al español. All community members are welcome!
May 8, in-person:
Brawley Union High School 480 N. Imperial Ave, Brawley, CA 92227 Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
May 9, in-person:
Coachella Library 1500 6th Street, Coachella, CA 92236 Thursday, May 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Partners Visit the Species Conservation Habitat and Vegetation Enhancement Projects
Over the past year, the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) team has put a strong emphasis on showcasing the restoration work being undertaken by the SSMP at the Species Conservation Habitat Project and Vegetation Enhancement Projects at the Salton Sea. The SSMP team has led numerous site visits and tours for partners, agencies from different governmental levels, and students from the Salton Sea region. The SSMP team is sharing lessons learned, challenges, and accomplishments, as well as identifying opportunities for collaboration with partner agencies.
Recently, staff from the California State Parks, Ocotillo Wells District, and State Parks Director Armando Quintero visited the SCH Project. The visit included a project presentation and a site tour. The SSMP team provided project details during the tour and received recommendations from State Parks to enhance the existing vision for the project and create cohesiveness with the Salton Sea State Recreation Area.
State Parks included a very descriptive report on this visit in their recent Weekly Digest newsletter.
Parks Staff and SSMP Team at the boat launch ramp at the end of the causeway, adjacent to the saline pump station.
At the New River diversion structure. Left to right: Ocotillo Wells District Superintendent Enrique Arroyo, State Parks Director Armando Quintero, CNRA Deputy Assistant Secretary Mario Llanos and CNRA Public Affairs Officer Miguel Hernandez.
Earlier this month, the SSMP, in collaboration with the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), welcomed staff from Federal and Utah State Agencies. The aim was to share information on restoration efforts at the Salton Sea while concurrently fostering an inter-state relationship among regions facing similar challenges.
The gathering was located at the Species Conservation Habitat Project at the southern end of the Salton Sea. Here, participants received an update from the SSMP on its ongoing restoration work. Additionally, IID provided a detailed presentation of the science behind its Salton Sea Air Quality Mitigation Program and Proactive Dust Control Plan. The presentations resulted in a robust dialogue and exchange of ideas.
SSMP team providing a project presentation to visiting group. Attendees included representatives from the US Bureau of Reclamation, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the United States Geological Survey Utah Water Science Center. They were joined by Utah State officials from The Great Salt Lake Commission, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Water Resources and the Fire and State Lands Division of Forestry.
At the saline pump station, the group was provided with more specifics on each of the project components, included the saline pump station, the New River Diversion structure, and the nesting islands.
Given the parallels between the challenges faced by the Great Salt Lake and the Salton Sea, the Utah delegation was interested in learning more about the Salton Sea’s challenges and restoration actions underway or planned. Utah officials wanted to identify how these lessons could help inform future actions at the Great Salt Lake.
The visit also included a tour of the SSMP’s Vegetation Enhancement Clubhouse project site near Salton City. The event served as a platform for collaborative information sharing, fostering new and existing partnerships, meaningful conversations, and setting the stage for future beneficial exchanges.
Visiting the Vegetation Enhancement Clubhouse site near Salton City. The SSMP team provided details about the phases of the project, its current conditions, and lessons learned.
SSMP Community Meetings are set for May 8, 9, and 10. 2024 SSMP Annual Report
The SSMP team is hosting two in-person meetings and a virtual Zoom meeting on its 2024 Annual Report. Join us at one of the upcoming community meetings to learn more about what’s happening at the Salton Sea and how you can get involved.
Get an overview of the recently released 2024 SSMP Annual Report and learn more about restoration projects underway at the Sea. Learn about the SSMP Project Tracker and connect with the SSMP team to ask your questions and provide feedback.
Spanish interpretation will be provided. Habrá interpretación al español. All community members are welcome!
May 8, in-person:
Brawley Union High School 480 N. Imperial Ave, Brawley, CA 92227 Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
May 9, in-person:
Coachella Library 1500 6th Street, Coachella, CA 92236 Thursday, May 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Salton Sea Authority Sets a Community Meeting for April 30
The Salton Sea Authority and its Project Manager, Gafcon, are hosting an in-person community planning meeting for the Desert Shores Channel Restoration Project on April 30 at 6:00 p.m.
A presentation will be provided. Participate, ask your questions, and provide your ideas, thoughts, and input on the visioning, designs, and plans to restore the channels.
Tuesday, April 30 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 50 Desert Shores Drive Thermal, CA 92274
Spanish Interpretation will be provided. Habrá interpretación en español.
Programmatic Agreement is Available on Army Corps Website for Information and Review
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has been continuing to work with federal cooperating agencies, the State Historic Preservation Officer, the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the SSMP team to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. A Programmatic Agreement has been drafted and is available on the Corps website for a 30-day public review, closing on May 20, 2024. Once finalized, the Programmatic Agreement will outline the Section 106 Process related to historic properties, including cultural and archeological resources, for all SSMP Phase 1: 10-Year Plan projects within the planning area covered by the Corps’ forthcoming final Environmental Assessment.
SSMP Welcomes New Team Members
To continue delivering critical projects around the Salton Sea, the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) has filled two key vacancies at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Salton Sea Program.
Suzy Neal is CDFW’s new Senior Environmental Scientist Specialist focusing on compliance with the Integrated Science Team.
Born in Arizona, Suzy’s education, career, and professional endeavors landed her in California. She previously worked as a lab instructor for Intro to Biology courses at California State University, San Bernardino, and most recently at the Santa Ana Regional Water Board as the coordinator for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory and Nonpoint Source Programs.
She graduated from California State University, San Bernardino with a B.A. in Biology and then an M.S. in Biology with a focus on population genetics, ecology, and conservation. Suzy is excited to join the SSMP team and use her expertise and passion to continue working towards a healthier Salton Sea ecosystem.
Crystal Shore is CDFW’s new Environmental Scientist with the Integrated Science Team focusing on biological monitoring and adaptive management.
Crystal is a seasoned biologist who has worked in various ecosystems, from the grasslands of northern Montana to the deserts of New Mexico, the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and up to the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. She holds a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University and a minor in Fishery Biology. Currently residing in the Imperial Valley, she has developed a keen interest in exploring and learning about the desert around her. Crystal loves to take excursions into the desert to capture photographs of flowers and wildlife, and she enjoys spending quality time with her family.
La Agencia de Recursos Naturales de California ha presentado su Informe Anual 2024 sobre el Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea (SSMP) a la Junta Estatal de Control de Recursos Hídricos, preparado en cumplimiento de la Orden WR 2017-0134. El informe proporciona actualizaciones específicas sobre las actividades del SSMP en 2023 y la planificación de proyectos futuros, las asociaciones en curso para ayudar al SSMP a cumplir sus objetivos, la participación de la comunidad y los próximos pasos. Las versiones en inglés y español del informe se pueden encontrar en en el apartado Documentos destacados.
En 2023 continuaron los avances significativos y cuantificables en el Salton Sea. El mayor proyecto de restauración de la historia del Salton Sea, que reducirá el polvo y restaurará el hábitat en miles de hectáreas en el extremo sur del Salton Sea, está a punto de concluir. En otras zonas del Salton Sea, cientos de hectáreas albergan vegetación endémica plantada recientemente para suprimir el polvo en las próximas décadas. Estas plantas han echado raíces, están creciendo y empiezan a cumplir su función. Este año también ha sido testigo de la primera gran inversión de los organismos federales para estabilizar el Lago; la Oficina de Reclamación de los Estados Unidos concedió 70 millones de dólares para acelerar los proyectos locales de restauración. Esta financiación se está poniendo en marcha para empezar a ampliar el Proyecto de Hábitat de Conservación de Especies en 1,000 acres más.
También se realizaron grandes progresos para acelerar mejoras adicionales en el marco de la actual Fase 1: Plan de 10 años. La planificación clave y la obtención de permisos han hecho avanzar proyectos de restauración de alta prioridad y se han cubierto puestos clave en el Programa de Gestión del Salton Sea (SSMP) para acelerar este trabajo. Se han reforzado las asociaciones con grupos y líderes de la comunidad que están ayudando a dar forma a nuestros esfuerzos en el Salton Sea, y está a punto de concluirse un informe sobre las necesidades de la comunidad planificado desde hace tiempo para impulsar nuevas mejoras en el Salton Sea.
Aunque en este informe anual compartimos avances significativos, reconocemos que aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer y que debemos seguir acelerando y ampliando nuestra labor en el Lago. Las asociaciones con comunidades, gobiernos tribales, partes interesadas y organismos locales, estatales y federales son cruciales para alcanzar los objetivos del SSMP.
El informe anual y el estado del SSMP serán el centro de un taller público de un día de duración convocado por la Junta Estatal del Agua el 22 de mayo de 2024. Los detalles de este taller están disponibles en la página web del programa Salton Sea de la Junta Estatal del Agua. Además, el equipo del SSMP planea realizar dos talleres comunitarios en persona en la región de Salton Sea y un seminario web en línea antes del taller de la Junta Estatal del Agua. El equipo del SSMP proporcionará una descripción general del informe, compartirá actualizaciones del proyecto y responderá preguntas sobre el trabajo realizado por el SSMP durante 2023. Estas reuniones están previstas para principios de mayo. Más detalles sobre estos talleres comunitarios están por anunciarse y se publicarán en el boletín electrónico del SSMP y en el sitio web del SSMP.
2024 SSMP Annual Report Submitted to State Water Board
The California Natural Resources Agency has submitted its 2024 Annual Report on the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) to the State Water Resources Control Board, prepared in compliance with Order WR 2017-0134. The report provides specific updates on the SSMP’s activities in 2023 and planning for future projects, ongoing partnerships to help the SSMP meet its goals, community engagement, and next steps. English and Spanish versions of the report can be found at under the Featured Documents heading.
Significant, measurable progress continued at the Salton Sea in 2023. The largest restoration project in the Sea’s history neared completion, which will suppress dust and restore habitat across thousands of acres at the south end of the Sea. In other areas along the Sea, hundreds of acres now host native vegetation recently planted to suppress dust over coming decades. These plants have taken root, are growing and are beginning to serve their purpose. This year also witnessed the first major investment by federal agencies to stabilize the Sea; the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation granted $70 million to accelerate local restoration projects. This funding is being put into action to start expanding the Species Conservation Habitat Project by an additional 1,000 acres.
Great progress also occurred to accelerate additional improvements under the current Phase 1: 10-Year Plan. Key planning and permitting advanced high priority restoration projects and key staff positions were filled on the Salton Sea Management Program to ramp up this work. Partnerships have strengthened with community groups and leaders that are helping shape our efforts at the Sea, and a long-planned Community Needs Report is nearing completion to galvanize further improvements at the Sea.
Aerial view looking north of the Species Conservation Habitat New River diversion system, the East and West Sedimentation Basins, and the New River and its riparian vegetation.
Recent plant growth at the Vegetation Enhancement Project Clubhouse site near the community of Salton City.
While we share constructive progress in this annual report, we recognize that significant work remains ahead, and we must continue to accelerate and broaden our work at the Sea. Partnerships with communities, Tribal governments, interested parties, and local, state, and federal agencies are crucial to achieving the goals of the SSMP.
The annual report and the status of the SSMP will be the focus of an all-day public workshop convened by the State Water Board on May 22, 2024. Details for this workshop are available on the State Water Board’s Salton Sea program webpage. In addition, the SSMP team plans to hold two in-person community workshops in the Salton Sea region and an online webinar in advance of the State Water Board’s workshop. The SSMP team will provide an overview of the report, share project updates, and answer questions on the work completed by the SSMP during 2023. These meetings are being planned for early May. More details on these community workshops are forthcoming and will be announced via the SSMP e-Newsletter and on the SSMP website.
Working Together Works: Tools and Plans for the Future of the Salton Sea
Salton Sea Management ProgramProject Tracker is Now Live
The SSMP team has developed an online Project Tracker to provide a comprehensive public platform with updated information on Salton Sea Management Program projects. The Project Tracker shows progress under the Salton Sea Management Program Phase 1: 10-Year Plan in a single location.
Integrated into the SSMP website at, this tool tracks current progress on SSMP 10-Year Plan projects. Projects are viewable and sortable by project phases, activity type, and category. The Explore Projects and Project Info sections display information on the activities, outcomes, and different SSMP metrics important to the Salton Sea Region. The Results Section has a Progress Dashboard that provides a snapshot of the accomplishments and advancements being made to improve conditions at the Salton Sea and displays information on the current progress towards meeting the requirements in State Water Resources Control Board Order 2017-0134.
The Project Tracker will be updated throughout the year with project photos, status, and important information. Acreage totals will be updated in June/July and again at the end of the year to align with Annual Report acreage reporting.
Salton Sea Long-Range Plan is Now Finalized
To meet its commitment for long-term planning beyond the Phase 1: 10-Year Plan, the SSMP prepared the Final Final Long-Range Plan (LRP), which is now available on the SSMP website. This Final LRP, including the comments submitted on the Draft LRP, is a focus of a Salton Sea restoration feasibility study that is being led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
A public draft of the LRP was released by the SSMP Team in December 2022 to comply with State Water Resources Control Board Order WRO 2017-0134. This draft plan was developed with support from Tribal leadership, community-based organizations, local, state, and federal agencies, and other interested parties. The proposed restoration concepts within the plan intend to protect or improve air quality, water quality, and wildlife habitat to reduce health and environmental consequences anticipated from the long-term recession of the Salton Sea. After a 45-day comment period in 2023, the SSMP compiled, reviewed, and responded to comments (reflected in Appendix I), developed new air quality modeling to inform the plan in response to public comments, and completed an updated the Final LRP.
The SSMP has partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Salton Sea Authority to undertake a feasibility study for long-term restoration actions at the Sea. The official title of the feasibility study is: Imperial Streams and Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study. Additional public input opportunities will be available during this process to shape and enhance the plan for future actions at the Sea.
Salton Sea Monitoring Implementation Plan: The First Ever Annual Work Plan Has Been Developed
The 2024 Salton Sea MIP Annual Work Plan(Work Plan) is a collaborative effort among different entities and SSMP partners around the Sea. The Work Plan reflects the annually planned monitoring work by the SSMP and implementing partners within the Salton Sea ecosystem during the calendar year. The SSMP team recognizes the crucial role of partnerships in meeting restoration goals through collecting data, facilitating project implementation, and helping secure funding. This collaboration leverages the collective investments and scientific data being collected around the Sea.
This first MIP Annual Work Plan demonstrates the breadth of monitoring and research at the Salton Sea, and we hope it will be a foundation for further collaboration and coordination. Although annual reporting is dependent on available funding, the reports are planned to also include a summary of data collected during each year and cumulatively as well as recommendations for adjustment and improvement of survey locations and sampling protocol. The SSMP is currently developing a resource to be able to hold the reports collected in one place for public use. Please note that this Work Plan may not reflect all the scientific studies underway around the Sea, as researchers and partners submit information on a volunteer basis. The SSMP team would like to thank all entities that participated in the development of the 2024 Work Plan and encourage additional partners to participate in future work plans. We anticipate holding an annual coordination workshop in October 2024 to develop the 2025 Work Plan. To ensure a productive workshop, implementing partners should anticipate providing a summary of scientific activities that were conducted in 2024, challenges and lessons learned from 2024 efforts, annual reports (if available), data needs and opportunities for 2025, and confirmation of anticipated monitoring activities in 2025. Working together we can obtain data that will assist in better management of the Salton Sea ecosystem.
SSMP Engagement Opportunities
REMINDER: Send Us Your Comments on the SSMP and Community Needs Report by March 26
Earlier this year, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released a draft of the Salton Sea Management Program and Community Needs Report for a 60-day public comment period, ending on March 26,2024. The Salton Sea Management Program and Community Needs Report identifies community needs related to the SSMP’s Salton Sea restoration efforts and lists current activities and potential opportunities for the SSMP to address community needs while implementing restoration projects.
Accompanying the release of the SSMP report is a public draft of the Salton Sea Community Needs and Recommended Actions Report by Better World Group Advisors. This report identifies community needs and recommends actions that can be taken by federal, state, and local government agencies, business organizations, philanthropy, community-based groups, and nonprofit organizations.
The SSMP is looking forward to your review and feedback on or before the end of the public comment period on March 26,2024. Please send us your written comments via email to or via regular mail to:
Attn: Salton Sea Community Needs Report California Natural Resources Agency 715 P Street, 20th Floor. Sacramento, CA, 9581475.
At the conclusion of the public comment period, the SSMP Team and Better World group will gather, and review all received comments to make necessary updates to finalize these reports. Once ready, the reports will be available at the SSMP website. CNRA is grateful to the community members, California Native American tribes, and regional partners who participated in this effort to identify community needs and detail what efforts and projects to consider as part of the SSMP
Salton Sea Authority Community Meeting TODAY
The Salton Sea Authority and its Project Manager, Gafcon are hosting an in-person community planning meeting for the Desert Shores Channel Restoration Project on March 19 at 6:00 p.m. A presentation will be provided, followed by a Q&A period. Participate and provide your ideas, thoughts, and input on the visioning, designs, and plans to restore the channels. Tuesday, March 19 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM 50 Desert Shores Drive Thermal, CA 92274 Spanish Interpretation will be provided. Habrá interpretación en español. Click here to view the event flyer. Visit the Salton Sea Authority website for more information.
Visitors Come to the Imperial Wildlife Area at the Salton Sea
Last month, members of the SSMP team from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) organized a tour with faculty and students from Wittenberg University. The group visited and toured around the Wister Unit at the Imperial Wildlife Area. The visiting students are majoring in environmental science, business, and economics and were interested in Salton Sea management activities; the role CDFW staff play in conservation efforts and the SSMP; and were also excited to see the waterfowl at the site.
Conversations with the visiting group included different topics like the importance of habitat restoration at the Sea and how the SSMP is engaging different levels of tribal, state, federal, local governments, communities, and non-governmental organizations to work together on the overall mission to restore habitat and increase dust suppression efforts. “One organization or agency could not do this alone. It takes the effort of multiple individuals to achieve progress for the Salton Sea. Working together works,” said Tonya Marshall, Salton Sea Program Manager with CDFW. Wildlife and bird species that utilize the area were also discussed. Below are some of the birds viewed during the tour.
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