SSMP Annual Report Submitted to State Water Board
Salton Sea Management Program Update – February 25, 2022
The California Natural Resources Agency has submitted its 2022 Annual Report on the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) to the State Water Resources Control Board, prepared in compliance with Order WR 2017-0134.
English and Spanish versions of the report can be found at under the Quick Links heading.
The report summarizes progress in 2021 toward reducing exposed lakebed and creating habitat at the Salton Sea. Highlights include breaking ground on the largest restoration project in the Sea’s history, advancing with partners several other community-oriented restoration projects around the Sea, beginning vegetation enhancement on exposed lakebed to reduce dust emissions, and securing commitment from state leaders for an additional $220 million in funding. This was made possible through partnerships with many other entities and by growing the SSMP Team, including several critical new hires.
The report also details progress to advance programmatic permitting that will enable future work to happen more quickly. Outreach and engagement with local communities was strengthened so that local input can better shape the work of the SSMP. This included reinvigorating the Engagement Committee, re-establishing the Long-Range Planning Committee, and working to identify community amenities that local residents prioritize along with work to directly address the receding Sea. With an eye toward the future, the SSMP established an independent panel of experts to evaluate the feasibility of a range of proposals for water importation, which will inform the Long-Range Plan for the Salton Sea. This Long-Range Plan will be submitted to the State Water Board by the end of this year (2022).
The annual report and the status of the SSMP will be the focus of a public workshop convened by the State Water Board in April. Workshop details will be available soon on the State Water Board’s Salton Sea program webpage.
In addition, the SSMP team plans to hold a community meeting in advance of the State Water Board’s workshop to provide an overview of the report and answer questions. Details will be shared soon.