Community Engagement Committee Meeting Summary – June 17, 2020 – via Zoom Webinar
In Brief:
- In addition to providing a general update on the SSMP, the Committee discussed the State’s forthcoming Dust Suppression Action Plan, including public input received and upcoming Phase A/Phase B projects. The State has been developing the DSAP over the past several months. It will be available in the coming weeks on the State’s SSMP website.
- The State received input from the Committee and members of the public regarding the format and approach for upcoming public meetings to engage communities on the first stage (the ‘Project Description’) of the NEPA permitting process for the entire 10-Year Plan.
- The Committee discussed the State’s revised SSMP Public Engagement Plan, including feedback received and input on next steps to update and implement the Plan. The State will integrate this input in its evolving SSMP Advisory Committee structure and process.Download the Meeting Summary