New Connect With Us
The Salton Sea Management Program team is committed to engaging local communities in the planning and implementing of the program.
The team continues to place a strong focus on engagement activities. The team continues to refine the draft Community Engagement Plan that will guide the state’s long-term approach to engaging with the Salton Sea community, while incorporating the Engagement Committee and stakeholder input. The Engagement Committee serves as the hub for implementing the plan.
With these refinements in mind, the team began work on updating the draft Engagement Committee charter. The goal of the charter is to develop and actively maintain an engagement program that enables consistent two-way communication, creates opportunities for community members to share concerns and provide input, and ultimately contributes to delivery of projects that improve conditions for communities around the Salton Sea.
Please refer to the calendar below for upcoming meetings and opportunities to engage and provide input.
The state team continues to share news and updates via an e-newsletter.
Upcoming Events
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