SSMP e-Newsletter December
SSMP Project Updates
More Restoration Projects at the Salton Sea Cleared for Implementation
Since the last publication of this newsletter, the SSMP has taken a major step forward in its efforts to permit additional restoration projects. On November 27, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) issued a permit to the State of California that establishes a framework for the SSMP to efficiently scale up its Phase 1: 10-Year Plan projects. This permit, the framework (letter of permission (LOP) procedures), and the corresponding National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document are an essential piece of the SSMP’s work because they collectively provide expedited pathways for the restoration projects to meet federal environmental permitting standards. The LOP procedures may be used for SSMP projects that require federal Clean Water Act Section 404 compliance, and support expedited consultation and compliance procedures for biological, water quality, and historic properties and resources (i.e., the federal Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act Section 401, and the National Historic Preservation Act). You can read more about the finalized documents on the Corps’ website:
This permit approval complements SSMP’s ongoing efforts to strengthen coordination with the federal government, which owns a significant amount of the land in the Salton Sea, including land that is planned for SSMP restoration projects. In 2024, the SSMP team developed and finalized a programmatic land access agreement with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to expedite access to land owned by Reclamation for implementation of Phase I: 10-Year Plan projects. With the NEPA document being issued, federal agency partners can use the analysis for their funding and land access decisions.
Expansion of Restoration Project at the Salton Sea is Moving Full Steam
In October, the SSMP announced that the Species Conservation Habitat Project is expanding its past 4,100-acre footprint by an additional 750 acres, utilizing the first major investment of Federal funds. The State’s Salton Sea Management Program received an initial $70 million in federal funding at the end of 2023 and now the SSMP has broken ground, and construction is ongoing at the SCH Expansion.
Work on the additional 750 acres at the SCH Expansion area continues to progress expeditiously into the new year. Work at the SCH Project is now pushing into the Salton Sea shoreline, getting ahead of the Sea’s expected recession. This expansion reflects a significant acceleration in the State’s project delivery.

Heavy machinery is actively working on the construction of a new berm at the north end of the project area. Construction of a 1.9-mile berm is the primary focus of the SCH Expansion work.
The 750-acre SCH Expansion is obtaining and utilizing materials from within the existing project area to build a new berm that encompasses the expansion area. This approach has allowed the SSMP to work more efficiently to deliver on the construction of the berm. Work on the new berm is expected to continue into 2025. The existing ponds within the SCH footprint are planned to be filled with water in a phased approach as expansion areas are constructed and become ready to come online. With the addition of this expansion area, the project footprint currently stands at nearly 5,000 acres.
Help Us Understand and Learn More About Research, Monitoring,
and Projects at the Sea
The SSMP is now updating the inventory for the 2025 Monitoring Implementation Plan (MIP) Work Plan and is inviting you to help us update information on ongoing and planned monitoring and research projects that are taking place at the Salton Sea region. We kindly request that you submit updates and new projects using this voluntary submission form.
You can refer to the 2024 MIP Annual Work Plan for monitoring elements and past projects. You can fill out a separate form for each monitoring element or study that you are involved with. Please note that the SSMP is not requesting or compiling datasets. We are seeking new information about all the different efforts happening at the Sea by other organizations and entities. To note, form submissions will be summarized in the MIP 2025 Annual Work Plan and will not include contact information.
On November 19, the SSMP held a virtual meeting to provide an overview of the 2025 MIP Workplan and answer questions, as well as a going over the voluntary submission form. Click here to view a recording of the virtual meeting or visit the SSMP website.
For any questions regarding the MIP or the 2025 MIP Work Plan, contact: Suzy Neal,
Proposition 4 Passes with More Investment for Habitat Restoration
Last month, California voters approved the $10 billion Climate Bond (Proposition 4), which includes $160 million for Salton Sea Restoration projects, as well as additional funding to create the Salton Sea Conservancy. This new conservancy will support Salton Sea restoration by focusing on operating and maintaining dust suppression and habitat management projects at the Salton Sea.
The SSMP team is working on implementation planning for the new resources provided by the Climate Bond, which will require approval from the California State Legislature, and looks forward to public engagement opportunities in the new year to further inform and advance this work.
SSMP Engagement Opportunities
Meaningful and Stronger Communications: The Completion of the SSMP Outreach and Engagement Plan

The SSMP team, in collaboration with the Community Engagement Committee, developed the Salton Sea Community Outreach and Engagement Plan. The Plan outlines the approach and roadmap for outreach and engagement with frontline communities around the Salton Sea and the broader Coachella and Imperial Valley region. The Plan aims to enhance our outreach and engagement efforts to create stronger relationships with Salton Sea Communities, enhance overall communications, build trust and credibility, help measure outreach outcomes, and continue advancing equity and inclusion in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities of the Salton Sea region.
The goal of the Plan is for the SSMP team to work with local leaders, community members, and other interested parties to build and nurture a long-term and respectful approach to engage with Salton Sea communities. The SSMP is committed to early, often, and meaningful consultation with all California Native American tribes with ancestral ties to the Salton Sea and embraces the Engagement Committee’s charge to incorporate EJ principles into its outreach and engagement efforts. Public input and participation are critical to ensuring that community values and perspectives are considered throughout and beyond the implementation of the SSMP.
The SSMP Community Engagement Committee has worked and supported the SSMP by providing recommendations and guidance on how to best connect and meaningfully engage with communities around the Sea and has worked on this plan since 2018. The result is a Plan that demonstrates transparency, recognizes the demographics, language access challenges, and other unique challenges faced in communities around the Sea.
The Salton Sea Community Outreach and Engagement Plan can be found on the SSMP website by clicking here, the plan is also available in Spanish. The SSMP is grateful to all partners and community members who have helped this Plan after years in the making and looks forward to a continued collaboration to continually work to update the Plan to ensure a proactive, inclusive, and transparent engagement process.
The Team Continues to Grow: SSMP Welcomes New Team Members

Megan Giglini has joined the DWR’s Salton Sea Restoration Office as a Program Manager I. For the SSMP, Megan will be leading regulatory and California Environmental Quality Act compliance efforts and supporting Tribal consultation and engagement.
For the past 3 years, while at the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, Megan served in a variety of roles to support the Yolo Bypass Cache Slough Partnership (16 agencies), the Yolo Bypass Cache Slough Master Plan, and related efforts, including Tribal Engagement and technical workgroups.
Prior to State Service, Megan was an environmental consultant for 17 years. During that time, Megan served as project manager and/or a technical subject matter expert for numerous projects and their environmental compliance needs throughout California, including river restorations, municipal water plans and facility upgrades, transportation and utilities upgrades, and the state’s cannabis cultivation regulations. She enjoys being part of a hard-working team on projects of regional or statewide importance.

Katie Burnworth is the new Program Manager I for the Salton Sea Restoration Office at the Department of Water Resources. Katie Burnworth leads the Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan for the SCH Project, overseeing water quality monitoring and developing a framework to evaluate project success and guide adaptive management decisions. She also manages project planning and land access for other SSMP initiatives and supports air quality projects to mitigate dust emissions from the exposed playa.
She has built a career addressing some of Imperial County’s most pressing environmental challenges, from the Salton Sea to cross-border air pollution and on-farm air quality issues. With a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry from Northern Arizona University, she combines her strong academic foundation with extensive hands-on experience in the field. A true local, Katie was born and raised in Imperial County, where she now raises her two kids.
Katie has a natural ability for building partnerships that span government entities, NGOs, and the private sector, allowing her to bring projects from planning stages to successful implementation. In her past role with the Imperial Irrigation District, she played a crucial role in launching the first 1,000 acres of air quality mitigation pilot projects on the Salton Sea playa. As well as being a key player at the Imperial County Air Pollution Control District in the implementation of the community air monitoring program, under Assembly Bill 617. In her spare time, she’s likely off-roading or chasing her next adventure.
Celebrating Partnerships This Holiday Season: A Heartfelt Thanks for Your Continuous Involvement and Commitment to the Salton Sea
As the year draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support, collaboration, and dedication. Together, we have made significant strides in advancing shared goals for the Salton Sea and your contributions and support have been vital in achieving important milestones this 2024. This year has been one of progress, perseverance, and meaningful partnerships. From overcoming challenges to celebrating milestones. With more work ahead, the SSMP team wishes you the best this holiday season.
The SSMP has made substantial progress towards project implementation, project reporting, and continues to support disadvantaged communities in the region. The SSMP team developed an online Project Tracker to provide a comprehensive public platform with updated information on Salton Sea Management Program projects. Additionally, completing the SSMP and Community Needs Report that provides a better understanding for opportunities to incorporate the identified community needs and enhance SSMP projects. We also worked in coordination with the SSMP Community Engagement Committee to develop the Salton Sea Outreach and Engagement Plan to outline the approach and roadmap for outreach and engagement, helping the SSMP to better serve and connect with the communities in the Salton Sea region.
We also worked on enhancing our presence in the community at different spaces by participating in more than 50 opportunities at multiple locations across the region. Providing presentations, program updates, and bringing partners and community members to visit the active project areas, as well as participating at partner-led meetings. We are thankful for the ongoing interest to visit the SSMP projects and for opening your doors to share updates and important program information.
Looking ahead, we are excited about the opportunities to build on this progress to continue delivering on our commitments and advance equity and environmental justice. With your continued partnership, we are confident that we can achieve even greater successes and further elevate the well-being of the communities of the Salton Sea region.
Thank you once again for your dedication and partnership. Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with peace and happiness, and a new year of continued success, growth, and positive change.
Salton Sea Management Program Team