SSMP e-Newsletter – April 2023


SSMP Welcomes New Team Member

To continue delivering critical projects around the Salton Sea, the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) has filled a key vacancy at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (CDFW) Salton Sea Program.

Picture of Sam Przeklasa holding a birdSamantha (Sam) Przeklasa has recently rejoined CDFW’s Salton Sea program as an Environmental Scientist (Avian Biologist) with a renewed enthusiasm for the region and the conservation work being done.

Sam has a B.S. from UC Davis in wildlife fisheries and conservation biology and an A.S. in Geographic Information Systems from American River College. She has previous experience working for agencies including USGS, U.S. Forest Service and CDFW focused on avian species including Northern Goshawk, Spotted Owls, Greater Sage Grouse, Ring-necked Pheasants and other upland birds and waterfowl. She looks forward to continuing to help with avian monitoring and conservation efforts at the Sea.

She has a huge love of birding, especially by ear and enjoys native gardening (for the birds of course!). Her next love is coffee, and she recommends that everyone look up bird friendly coffee, a Smithsonian Institute certification supporting greater biodiversity in coffee production. She finds that the best way to learn about something is to experience it on the ground level in the field, preferably with her dogs. She looks forward to applying these passions in the field and to further avian conservation.

Upcoming SSMP Engagement Opportunities

REMINDER: Join the SSMP Community WorkshopTOMORROW

Salton Sea Workshop Reminder

The SSMP team invites you to participate in its next SSMP Community Workshop on April 20 at 5:30 p.m. Attendees may participate in person or virtually and learn about projects underway and current planning efforts at the Sea; get an in-depth overview of the recently released 2023 SSMP Annual Report; and meet with members of the State’s Salton Sea team to ask questions and learn more about progress made at the Salton Sea during 2022.

Please join us in person at Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Tameka Gym, 66725 Martinez Road, Thermal, CA 92274. Doors open at 5:00 p.m.

You may also participate virtually by clicking here:  or by dialing (305) 226-1968.

Facebook Live in Spanish will also be broadcasted on the “Salton Sea COEE” page.

SSMP Community Workshop on Annual Report – April 20, 5:30 p.m.In-person location: Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Tameka Gym, 66725 Martinez Road, Thermal, CA 92274.Zoom Link: (305) 226-1968.Facebook Live in Spanish: “Salton Sea COEE” page

Spanish Interpretation will be available. Habrá interpretación en español. This meeting will be recorded and uploaded to the SSMP website.

REMINDER: State Water Board Salton Sea Workshopset for May 16 & 17

The State Water Board will be holding its annual workshop on the status of Phase 1 of the Salton Sea Management Program on May 16, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and May 17, 2023, from 5:00 9:00 p.m.

The meeting will take place over two days and will provide live interpretation in Spanish, with multiple options for participation: 1) in-person at Imperial Valley College, 2) remote viewing at the North Shore Beach and Yacht Club, and 3) virtually via Zoom (to provide comment) or webcast (watch-only).

Every year, the California Natural Resources Agency provides an update to the State Water Board and interested parties on the progress that has been made on the Salton Sea Management Program. The workshop is an opportunity for participants to provide input to the State Water Board regarding the status of the Salton Sea Management Program. Input can be provided by submitting written comments in advance or providing oral comments on either day of the workshop.

Read the public notice and learn more about the Salton Sea and how to participate in the workshop at For questions about the workshop contact Stephanie Holstege at